Online Availability System

Online Availability Booking System

You can use the Online Availability Booking System form below to book Photo Booth Hire for Weddings, Birthdays or School Proms, Wedding Photography, Events, Headshot, Corporate or Commercial Photography.

At the time of booking, we will collect from you a 25% non-refundable deposit.

We collect a deposit because we will refuse any other work for the day of your booking. We would have lost a day’s revenue if you were to cancel.

Upon booking will manually review your booking before approving. Once we have confirmed the date, times and venue, you will receive an email stating your booking has now been accepted and is guaranteed. We do this, so there is never any chance of a double booking.

If you need help with the Online Availability Booking System in booking or want to speak to us, please call us on 01322 761024, where a team member will be ready to help or use the online contact us form. If you would like to chat via WhatsApp then please use this link.

Select your choice below. You can then select your date.

× WhatsApp Us