Photography and Videography

Wedding Photography

Stunning Wedding Videography

Our wedding photography and videography services are designed to capture the most beautiful and memorable moments of your special day. Our team of experienced and talented photographers will work closely with you to understand your vision and preferences, and will provide a personalized service that meets your unique needs.

Our services include pre-wedding consultations, where we’ll discuss your wedding day timeline, location, and any specific shots or themes you want captured. We’ll also provide engagement sessions, where you can get comfortable in front of the camera and capture some beautiful photos with your partner. On the wedding day, our photographers will arrive early to capture the getting ready process, and will stay late into the night to capture all the special moments of your reception. We offer high-resolution digital files, prints, and albums that can be customized to suit your preferences.

High-quality materials
Our Wedding albums are designed in house and created in Italy on the finest paper so the images will not fade over time, the albums come complete with their own box.
experienced team
Our Photographers have over 40 years experience in the wedding industry, capturing and creating special memories that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Frequently asked questions

Will we be able to meet the photographers before?
Absolutely, we insist on a pre-wedding meeting to formally introduce ourselves and to get to you both, we work with you to understand your vision as this is your day and we want to capture it your way.
Can we add print-outs or albums at a later stage?
Yes, you can. If you are unsure what you require at the time of booking you can add prints or albums at a later stage, the design process is included within the addition album cost.
We want specific photos, do you do this?
We certainly do, on the pre wedding meeting we will discuss all of your must haves and required photos and ensure we have a complete list of requests.
What is the wait until we get our photos or video?
During wedding season we can shoot up to three weddings a week, our workload will determine the return of your images, we know you want them as quick as possible but every photograph is personally edited and checked/ colour graded before we release them to you , as you can imagine this can take a few weeks. We normally say your photos will be ready within two months of your wedding, although this is usually sooner.

proofing galleries

approval galleries, approve created albums before printing

Welcome to our wedding photography website! We are thrilled that you have chosen us to capture the most special day of your life.

*You need a personal password (contact the photographer if you don’t have it)

Sticky Tape Holding a Photograph

portfolio cases

Your Wedding Day Captured in Style.

Welcome to our wedding photography website! We are thrilled that you have chosen us to capture the most special day of your life. Our team consists of experienced and passionate photographers.

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